Matter Fields and Layouts

All matters have a corresponding matter layout. These matter layouts are made up of matter fields that are used to manage work through Views In Board and create Widgets in Dashboards.


Note: Only Matter Administrators can edit matter fields and layouts. More information at: Matter Management Permissions


Matter Fields

To access matter fields, head over to the Administrator panel and click on "Matter Fields".

Types of Matter Fields Supported

  1. Short Text: e.g. Titles, Names
  2. Long Text: e.g. Descriptions
  3. Number
  4. Date & Time
  5. Single Select: Region, Priority
  6. Multi Select: Parties, Practice Area(s), Business Unit(s)
  7. User
  8. Status Field


Matter Fields that can not be edited

Due to their use, the following fields can not be edited:

  1. Assignee
  2. Requestor
  3. Status

Archiving and Restoring Matter Fields

  • To remove a matter field, click "Archive" underneath the action menu.
  • Archived fields will be removed from all layouts.
  • Archived field data will not appear in widgets and dashboards for reporting.
  • When a matter field is restored, it will not be associated with any matter layouts and will need to be manually added to a matter layout.
  • When a matter field is restored, all data previously stored in the field will also be restored.



Matter Layouts

Access the matter layouts in the administrator panel in "Matter Layouts". 


Editing Matter Layouts

Using drag and drop, you can configure matter layouts, their fields, as well as any required or default values for respective fields.


Matter Layouts that can not be archived

Due to its use, the "General Request" layout can not be archived.


Status Field

The Status Field in Checkbox is a specialized matter field designed for tracking and managing the lifecycle of matters. It is used in conjunction with Cycle and Subcycle Times.



Creating a Status Field

  1. Introduction:

    • Status Fields allow users to classify matter states into predefined categories: Open, In Progress, and Closed.
    • Each field has unique properties, including time tracking and interaction with matter layouts, workflows, and reports.
  2. Steps to Create:

    • Navigate to the Matter Fields section and select Add Field.
    • Choose Status Field as the type.
    • Provide a unique name for the field. If the name already exists, an error flag will prompt you to use a different name.

Impact of Archiving and Restoring a Status Field


When a Status field used in Cycle Times is archived it is:

  1. Hidden from all user interfaces, including Matter UI, Board Views, Reporting Widgets, and Dashboards.
  2. Retains its values without counting the cycle time of archived statuses.


When an archived Status field used in Cycle Times is restored it:

  1. Restores the field value to the state at the time of archiving.
  2. Does not re-add the Status Field to layouts, boards, widgets, or reports automatically.
  3. Restoring reactivates time tracking for the field.


Duration Fields

Role in Cycle Times

  • Duration Fields are automatically created when a Cycle Time or Subcycle Time is set up. They display the calculated time values and act as a bridge to integrate this data into layouts, boards, and reports.

Behavior and Limitations

  • Creation: Duration Fields cannot be created directly through the + Matter Field functionality. They are tied to Cycle Times.
  • Editing: All edits to Duration Fields must occur via the Cycle Times feature. Direct edits in the Matter Fields tab are not allowed.
  • Archiving and Restoring: Duration Fields follow the archiving/restoration rules of their parent Cycle Time.

Usage in the Platform

  1. Matter Layouts:
    • Duration Fields can be added to layouts for tracking time values on a matter-by-matter basis.
  2. Boards:
    • Add Duration Fields to boards to sort and filter matters by their cycle or subcycle durations.
  3. Filters in Boards and Reporting:
    • Use filters with operators such as less than, greater than, and is empty to query durations.
    • Filters can specify increments (e.g., "duration > 2 hours").
  4. Reporting:
    • Duration Fields can only be used in LIST and METRIC visualizations. They are not supported in PIE, BAR, or LINE charts.