Role Configuration

Administrator Permissions Required

Note that you must have Administrator Permissions for your account to configure user roles.

Meaning of each permission
Preset roles
Customising each role


Different roles affect how Checkbox account holders can access and manage Apps, Project Teams and other User accounts. A role is defined by the combination of permissions assigned to it.

Note that there are 4 layers of permissions:

  1. User role across the platform
  2. User role inside a Solution
  3. User role inside of a Project Team/Test Team
  4. User permission at an App level in a Project Team/Test Team

This article addresses the first layer. The second layer is covered in our Solution Owner and Author article. The third layer is covered in our Project Teams article.



There are 3 categories of permissions:

User Management:


View all users Can access and see list of all users
Manage all users

Can view, update and configure details (including role) of users

Note: Selecting this permission will automatically enable the "View all users" permission.

Manage roles Can create, edit and delete custom roles

Project Management:


Manage all project teams Can create new Teams,
Will automatically become Team Owner of any teams they create
Create new project teams Can view, edit details of, manage users for, and deploy all public Solutions, or private Solutions that they are an Author/Owner of to all Teams

Solution Management:


Create new Solutions

Can create new Solutions

Note: Will become the Solution Owner of any Solutions they create

Edit all Solutions

Can view and edit all Solutions

i.e., Will become effectively treated as an Solution Owner of all Solutions.

Note: This permission does not allow users to create Solutions

Publish Solutions

Can publish any Solutions (to production) they have permission to edit

Note: Publishing is independent of being able to edit a Solution. To edit a Solution, you must either be a Solution Author or Solution Owner or have the "Edit all Solutions" permission


How to customise each role

Customising roles requires the "Manage roles" account permission, assigned by default only to the Administrator user role.

To customise each role:

  1. Click on your account name on the right-hand side of the navigation bar and click "Account Settings."

  2. Click "Role Configuration"

  3. Select and deselect permissions checkboxes for each role.


How to create a new custom role

  1. Click on your account name in the bar on the top of your screen

  2. Click "User Management"

  3. Click "Role Configuration"

  4. Click onto the "+ NEW ROLE" button

  5. Click the ‘New Role’ title to adjust the name and select/deselect the desired permissions.