Checkbox v1.1, Released on 07/03/2019

Hi there!

Read below an update on of all our new features.


Workflow Enhancement - Change Assignee, Send Reminder, Rejection Branch, Comment

We have upgraded and introduced a number of new workflow capabilities as noted below. 

  1. Enabled team administrators to assign pending assessments to other team members, enabling teams to resolve circumstances where a task assignee is on-leave and an assessment needs to be accomplished by a set deadline.
  2. Enabled team administrators to send reminder emails to workflow groups/current assignees for approval or as reminder to pick up newly assigned assessments.
  3. Besides approval and send back capability, app authors can now to design workflow paths in the event of approval rejections, to address more complex workflow use cases.
  4. Task assignees and previous owners of assessment paths can now communicate via our new comments feature. This provides for a smooth transition from the previous assignee to next assignee or allows you to clarify the reason for a rejection or sending work back.

Read more on the Workflow Enhancements from this release here.

Chart Widgets (Premium Feature)*

We’ve upgraded our Custom List View Widget feature that we introduced in our previous release, and now enables chart type widgets, such as bar charts and pie charts, empowering teams to gain richer insights into their assessments.

Read more on Bar charts and Pie Charts here.


Project Team Dashboard (Premium Feature)*

We have introduced the ability for project team administrators to customise and design dashboards using a combination of different widgets.

Assessment data can be visualised through any combination of list-views bar charts and pie charts, so that team members can visually manage all assessments and report data insights.

Read more on Custom Charts on Project Team Dashboard here.


Bulk Download Uploaded Files

From an assessment, we’ve upgraded the file download capability and now all uploaded files can be downloaded as a single zip from the transcript page. This is useful for all apps that require uploading of multiple documents, such as invoices, refunds, verification documents and incident reports.

Read more on How to Download Uploaded Files from Assessments here.


Auto-Complete Variable Name in App Studio

Power users will love our new auto-complete feature which suggests a dropdown of the most likely variables you are trying to reference, enhancing the productivity of your app creation.

This works beautifully in conjunction with our Custom Named Variable feature we previously released, making it easier to track and use variables across your apps.


Version Up App by Importing App

We've upgraded our import/export app functionality by allowing you to import published apps as a version. This feature will be valuable for organisations who have multiple users working on large projects in different development environments, allowing you to collaborate and update a single app. 

This is also particularly useful for premium use cases where apps are built out in stages/phases, and in different environments, enabling better app deployment control.

Read more on how to Version Up Apps by Importing Apps here.


New “Create New Project Teams” Role

The new “Create New Project Teams” role allows users to create new project teams, but does not allow them to delete the project, nor view other projects that the user is not a team member of.  

This allows administrators to delegate project team permissions to team members who wish to create new project teams and run projects, without interfering with other projects.

For example, the sales team can create an “NDA” project team, without affecting the marketing team’s “NDA” project team.

Read more on Role Configurations here.


Bulk Add Users to Checkbox Platform

We have introduced the ability for administrators to bulk add users to the Checkbox platform via CSV files. This supports premium-wide deployment.

Bulk Add Users to Project Team

Rather than adding members one by one, project administrators can now add multiple users into project teams by pasting all team members’ addresses at once.

Read more about Bulk Adding Users to a Project Team here.


Configure Both Production and Demo DocuSign Accounts

From this release, we’ve introduced the ability for administrators to configure both production and demo accounts of DocuSign, and seamlessly switch between both on the same Checkbox account.

This upgrade enables premium customers to initially build and test their DocuSign enabled apps with a demo DocuSign account, and then later seamlessly switch to their production DocuSign account when the app goes live.

Read more on Configuring Both Production and Demo DocuSign Accounts here.


It’s been an absolute pleasure to see and release these features to you and we hope you’ll love them as much as we do! 

Best wishes from the Checkbox Team!

* Functionality is only available to customers with access to Premium Checkbox Features. For queries related to your licence agreement, contact your Checkbox Account Manager.