What’s the difference between a tag and a variable?
Tags can be used similarly to variables where it can display data from the Checkbox system. It can also be used to signal where email recipients can e-sign documents to the integrated Adobe Sign or DocuSign system.
Variables can also be used to display data such as a product name, a price value, or a date. This data is retrieved from a Checkbox App.
DocuSign Tag Syntax
The following are the DocuSign tags that can be inserted anywhere within the content of Doc Builder or your Rich Document Template.
Tag Type | Tag | Example | Meaning |
E-Signature | [[signature#_doc#]] | [[signature1_doc1]] | A signature field assigned to the recipient identified as the first signatory. |
E-Signature Date | [[signdate#_doc#]] | [[signdate1_doc1]] | The date of when the signatory e-signed the document will be displayed |
Signatory Name | [[name#_doc#]] | [[name1_doc1]] | The signatory’s name will be displayed based on the name of their email account |
Signatory Initials | [[initials#_doc#]] | [[initials1_doc1]] | The signatory’s initials will be displayed based on the name of their email account |
- Replace the hashtag (#) placeholder with numbers corresponding to the signatory order. For example, to specify the DocuSign e-signature tag for the first and second signatory, replace the FIRST hashtag placeholder with 1 and 2 respectively (i.e. The first signatory will sign where [[signature1_doc1]] is used and the second signatory will sign where [[signature2_doc1]] is used).
- If uploading a rich style document template, the hashtag placeholder after "doc" will be replaced with 1 (i.e. [[signature1_doc1]], [[signdate1_doc1]]).
- If using document builder, the hashtag placeholder after doc will correspond to the page number created for the document (i.e. If the signature needs to be signed on the second page, the number after "doc" will be 2 - [[signature1_doc2]]).
Formatting requirements:
- A space must be placed before any [[signature#_doc1]] tag
- If adding DocuSign tags to a line where there is already text, the location tag needs to be uniquely typographically emphasised.
For example, use italics:
Signature: [[signature#_doc1]]
- Change the text colour of the DocuSign tags to white to avoid from signatures etc overlapping DocuSign tag text
Note: If the above DocuSign tags are not used to specify an e-signature location in the document, DocuSign will allow you to manually add your e-signature anywhere in the document. Only documents in PDF can be e-signed through DocuSign in this way.
How to add DocuSign tags in your document
- Open a rich document template on your local device or Document Builder inside the Doc Gen block
- In the line where you want the first person in your list of email recipients to sign, type [[signature1_doc1]]
Note: You can also insert DocuSign tags into your rich style document using the Checkbox Word Add-In. Learn more. - For the second person in your list of email recipients, type [[signature2_doc1]]
- Continue in this pattern until all signature locations have been specified.
- The tags can be used in either rich document templates (such as docx), or Document Builders.
- The first person in your list of email recipients will be asked to sign at the spot which has the tag [[signature1_doc1]]
For example:
Jane Smith will be asked to sign the top e-signature location with [[signature1_doc1]]. Once Jane has e-signed the document, John Williams will be asked to sign the bottom e-signature location with [[signature2_doc1]].
Adobe Sign Tag Syntax
The following is the Adobe Sign tag that can be inserted anywhere within the content of your Rich Document Template.
Note: Adobe Sign tags are only supported in rich style documents.
Tag Type | Tag | Example | Meaning |
E-Signature | {{Sig_es_:signer#:signature}} | {{Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} | A signature field assigned to the recipient identified as the first signatory. |
E-Signature Date |
Default format: mm/dd/yyyy
Other format: mmm dd, yyyy
{{date1_es_:signer#:date:format(date, "mmm dd, yyyy")}} |
Default format: mm/dd/yyyy
Other format: mmm dd, yyyy
{{date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmm dd, yyyy")}} |
The date of when the signatory e-signed the document will be displayed |
Signatory Name | {{N_es_:signer#:fullname}} | {{N_es_:signer1:fullname}} | The signatory’s name will be displayed based on the name of their email account |
Signatory Initials | {{Int_es_:signer#:initials}} | {{Int_es_:signer1:initials}} | The signatory’s initials will be displayed based on the name of their email account |
- Replace the hashtag (#) placeholder with numbers corresponding to the signatory order. For example, to specify the Adobe Sign e-signature tag for the first and second signatory, replace the hashtag with 1 and 2
i.e. The first signatory will sign where {{Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} is used and the second signatory will sign where {{Sig_es_:signer2:signature}} is used. - If the above tags are not used to specify the e-signature location, e-signature placeholders will automatically be added at the end of the document. Only documents in PDF can be e-signed in this way.
How to add Adobe Sign tags in your document
- Open a rich document template on your local device
- In the line where you want the first person in your list of email recipients to sign, type {{Sig_es_:signer1:signature}}
- For the second person in your list of email recipients, type {{Sig_es_:signer2:signature}}
- Continue in this pattern until all signature locations have been specified.
- The tags can be used in either rich document templates (such as docx), or Document Builders.
- The first person in your list of email recipients will be asked to sign at the spot which has the tag {{Sig_es_:signer1:signature}}
For example:
Jane Smith will be asked to sign the top e-signature location with {{Sig_es_:signer1:signature}}. Once Jane has e-signed the document, John Williams will be asked to sign the bottom e-signature location with {{Sig_es_:signer2:signature}}.
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