
When do you use operators?

Operators allow for arithmetic, comparison, and logical operations. In Checkbox, they are used in conjunction with variables to create conditions that allow you to build smart forms, documents and triage tools. Learn more about conditions.

Operators are also used in COMP or TABLE blocks to perform automated calculations.


List of Operators


Name Operator Example
Sum + = 6 + 5
Subtract - = 6 - 5
Multiply * = 6 * 5
Divide / = 6 / 5
Equal == TXT5 == "Yes"
Not equal to != TXT5 != "Yes"
Greater than > NUM6 > 10
Less than < NUM6 < 10
Greater than or equal to >= NUM4 >= 8
Less than or equal to <= NUM4 <= 8
Parenthesis () = (6+5) * 4
And && (TXT5 == "Yes" && TXT7 == "No")
Or || (TXT5 == "Yes" || TXT7 == "No")
Braces (to reference a variable) {{}} {{TXT5}}



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