Premium Checkbox Feature
Usage of this feature requires account access to Premium Checkbox features. For queries related to your licence agreement, ask your account administrator to contact your Checkbox Account Manager.
What is a list view Widget?
A list view Widget is a table that displays Assessment data. The Assessment data that is shown on the table for each column can be customised using metavariables and exposed variables. Depending on your permission level in a Project Team, you can also make actions for the Assessment data displayed in a List View Widget.
What are the default list view Widgets?
By default, you will have 2 list view Widgets called "In-Progress" and "Completed" that will show a table of Assessment data for in-progress and completed Assessments respectively.
The default configuration will include the following columns:
- Assessment Name (if the corresponding App is the internal access type)
- Reference (i.e. your Assessment ID)
- Owner (if the Project Team is private)
- Creator
- Created On
- Owners
- Last Edited
- Status
- Actions (Actions include: Edit Assessment, Change Assignee, Mark as Sensitive, Delete Assessment, View Transcript and View Report if the user has been granted these permissions)
Note: The default widgets can also be reconfigured.
What are the common use cases for list view Widgets?
A common use case for list view Widgets is to only display Assessment data that the end user is the current owner of. This avoids clutter with irrelevant Assessments being shown to the end user and is therefore especially useful when dealing with Apps that include workflow. Filters can be used during the Widget configuration to achieve this.
Other uses for the list view Widget includes the viewing of in-progress and completed Assessments. However, often times this list view Widget is customised to show more meaningful information for each Assessment data.
How to export Assessment data
Team Owners can export Assessment data in widgets as a CSV file. The variables and export data included in the file is based on the current column configurations and the filters (if any) used in the Widget. To export assessment data:
- Navigate to the Assessment page for the relevant App in a Project Team
- Above the list view Widget displayed, click 'Download CSV'
Note: Only data in list views can be exported. We do not support exporting Assessment data via pie, bar and line charts.
Can you track DocuSign status in list view Widgets?
Yes. For Apps that contain DocuSign, users can add a ‘DOCUSIGN_STATUS#’ (e.g. ‘DOCUSIGN_STATUS1’) column to the list view Widget that displays whether the envelope(s) have been ‘Sent’ or ‘Completed’. A blank space indicates that the envelopes has not yet been sent. Users are able to hover over the status values (‘Sent’ or ‘Completed’) to view the name(s) and email(s) of signatories and determine their respective signing statuses.
In the case that an App contains multiple E-SIGN blocks (with DocuSign), multiple columns for Docusign can be created and their default column name will have the format of ‘DOCUSIGN_STATUS#’ (e.g. ‘DOCUSIGN_STATUS1’). It is recommended that the column names are renamed in the list view Widget to ensure clear reference to the respective Docusign block.