How to access and run private Assessments as the end user
How to access and run public Assessments as the end user
How to embedding public URLs using HTML CSS
Access Assessments later
How to access and run private Assessments as the end user
Project Team Members are able to access private Assessments by navigating to their assigned Project Team with the relevant Solutions and respective Apps.
Note: The access to Assessments and actions are limited to the user's Project Team level permissions. Learn more on Project Team level permissions.
If a new Assessment needs to be created, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to the relevant App inside a Project Team on the left pane
- Click onto "+ New Assessment" to create a new Assessment
If an existing Assessment needs to be edited or viewed, follow the instructions below.
- Navigate to the relevant App inside a Project Team on the left pane
- Switch between “In-Progress” and “Completed” assessments using the widget drop-down menu
- Click onto the row of the Assessment that you own to view and edit your Assessment
Note: Team Administrators are able to view and edit all Assessments within the Project Team - To view and download any transcripts or document outputs for the Assessment that you own, click onto the 3 dotted icon under the "Actions" column and select an action as necessary
Note: Team Administrators are able to access these documents for all Assessments within the Project Team
How to access and run public Assessments as the end user
Public Assessments are accessed via a public URL distributed by the Team Administrator of a Project Team. To create a new public Assessment, end users do not need to be signed into a Checkbox account. If a security code is required, the Team Administrator must also manually distribute this to allow access to our selected public users to run the public Assessments.
Note: Applications deployed publicly with a security code require the code to be re-entered if the assessment is accessed at later date. Learn more about accessing Assessments later at the bottom of this article.
- As the Team Administrator, navigate to the externally deployed App inside a Project Team and copy and paste the "Access URL" (i.e. the URL where public users will run public Assessments from). If security code is enabled, distribute this code to selected public users to allow selected access.
- This URL directs users to the landing page from where they will begin the Assessment. Every time "START" is clicked, a new assessment is created.
How to embedding public URLs using HTML CSS
To embed your link inside a button, use the "form", specifying the URL in the "action" attribute.
Use an "<a>" which you should style to look like a button using "appearance" properties
<a href="" class="button">Go to Checkbox</a> |
For javascript, set the "window.location.href"
Access Assessments later
For your user to continue an Assessment later, they should:
Before exiting the Assessment, click Access Later on the top right of the page.
(a) Save the continuation link; or
(b) Enter their email and click Send to have the continuation link emailed to them. - To continue the Assessment from the page they exited from, access the link.