Cycle and Subcycle Times

The Cycle Times feature allows users to measure how long a matter takes to progress through specific states, providing actionable insights into process efficiency. This guide outlines the steps for setting up, managing, and understanding the Cycle Times feature in Checkbox.


Understanding Cycle and Subcycle Time

Cycle Times are how long it takes for a matter move from Creation to "Closed". It also known as turnaround time or resolution time.

Subcycle Times are how long the matter is in a specific status or statuses.


Examples of Subcycle Times

Since subcycle times can track one or more Status options, it can be used to track a variety of scenarios. For example, it can be used to track:

  1. Time with legal
  2. Time with multiple legal team members (e.g. Status fields with options 'With Adam', 'With Eva')
  3. Time with requester
  4. Time with non-legal business users (e.g. Finance, Procurement)
  5. Time with external counterparties
  6. Time of specific matter statuses (e.g. "Contract Drafting")

Interactions with Status Fields and Options

  1. Status Field Dependency:

    • Cycle times rely on the durations tracked by the linked Status Field.
    • If the underlying Status Field or its options are archived, cycle times time tracking ceases.
  2. Status Options:

    • Only options in the To Do and In Progress categories are eligible for subcycle time tracking.
    • Changes to the Status Field propagate to linked cycle times.


Setting Up Cycle Times

Accessing the Feature

  1. Navigate to the Admin Panel.
  2. Select the Cycle Times tab, visible only to platform administrators.

Creating a Cycle Time

    1. Click Add Cycle Time.

    2. Fill in the following fields:

      • Name: Provide a unique name for the Cycle Time. This name must not conflict with existing Cycle Times or Matter Field names.
      • Description: Add an optional description explaining the purpose of the Cycle Time.
      • Status Field: Select a linked Status Field to base the Cycle Time on.
      • Measure:
        • Cycle Time: Accumulates the duration of all options in the To Do and In Progress categories of the linked Status Field.
        • Subcycle Time: Accumulates the duration of user-specified options within these categories.
      • Duration Format: Choose the format for the calculated duration (e.g., days, hours, or minutes).
    3. Save the Cycle Time. Upon saving:

      • A corresponding Duration Field is automatically created to represent the calculated times.
      • This field inherits the name and duration format defined during setup.


Time Tracking and Cycle Time Calculations

What Is Tracked?

  • Cycle Time: Measures the total time spent in the To Do and In Progress categories of the linked Status Field.
  • Subcycle Time: Measures the total time for specific options within these categories, as specified by the user.

What Is Excluded?

  • Time spent in the Completed category is excluded from calculations, ensuring accurate representation even if a matter moves back to an active state.

Example Scenario

  • Status Field transitions:
    • To Do: Backlog → 3 hours
    • In Progress: With Legal → 4 hours
    • Completed: Done → Time excluded
    • In Progress: With Legal → 2 hours
  • Total Cycle Time: 3 hours + 4 hours + 2 hours = 9 hours


Managing Cycle Times


  • Navigate to the Cycle Times tab to make changes to:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Measure (Cycle or Subcycle Time)
    • Linked Status Field
    • Duration Format
    • Subcycle Time Options


  • Archiving a Cycle Time also archives its corresponding Duration Field, which is hidden from all layouts, boards, and reports.
  • Time tracking is stopped for the archived Cycle Time.


  • Restoring a Cycle Time reactivates its Duration Field, but users must manually re-add it to matter layouts, boards, or reports.
  • Restoration requires unique names for both the Cycle Time and the Duration Field. Conflicts must be resolved before proceeding.


Cycle Times in Matter Merging and Conversion

Merging Matters

  • When merging two matters:
    • The resulting matter retains only the Cycle Times of the chosen field set.
    • A confirmation modal alerts users to this behavior.

Converting Matters

  • If the Cycle Time exists in both Matter A and Matter B, previous time data is carried forward.
  • If the Cycle Time is unique to Matter B, time tracking starts upon conversion.


Time-Related Considerations

  1. Cycle Time Tracking Start/Stop Events:
    • Starts When:
      • A matter is created.
      • A Status Field or option is unarchived.
      • A Status Field is added to a matter layout.
    • Stops When:
      • A matter is deleted or archived.
      • The associated Status Field or option is archived.
      • The Status Field is removed from the matter layout.