URL Links
Why would you add a URL to text?
Users typically add URL links to text in the rich text editor to redirect end-users to pages outside of the Checkbox platform. For example, you may want to link the end-users to resources beyond the Checkbox platform or get users to return back to your website.
Are text variables supported in the URL field?
Yes. Some assessments require end-users to provide URLs in text fields to be used as a link later in the assessment. To do this, you must reference a text variable (e.g. {{TXT17}}) from a FORM page already filled out by the end-user and adopt the following format:
URL field: https://{{TXT17}}
Note: The URL provided in TXT17 must not include “https://”
Valid if {{TXT17}} is support.checkbox.ai
Invalid if {{TXT17}} is https://support.checkbox.ai
See example below.
How to add URL links to text
- Highlight your text in a rich text editor and click onto the link icon
- Select the “URL” option and enter the relevant website address
- Click onto the small tick icon to confirm the URL link.
Mail-to Links
Why would you add a Mail-to Link to text?
Mail-to links can be used to open a new email in the end user’s default email client. This is especially useful (but not limited to) when redirecting end users from your App to action an email for more information (e.g. info@checkbox.ai).
How to add mail-to links to text
- Highlight your text in the rich text editor (the text box under header) and click onto the link icon
- Select the ‘Email’ option and enter the relevant email address.
For example, “janet@example.com” - Click onto the small tick icon to confirm the mail-to link.