5. Deploying Your No-code Solution


Publishing Permissions Required

Note that you must have permission to Publish Solutions in your Checkbox Account. If you do not see the 'Publish Solution' button in the left panel of your Solution, please still read through this section, but do not worry about implementing it in Checkbox.


Why would you want to deploy your Solution?
What do you need to do to deploy your Solution?
How to deploy your Solution


Why would you want to deploy your Solution?

Deploying your Solution allows you to distribute your Solution internally within your organisation or publicly to external end users. In Checkbox, we call each run-through of a deployed Solution an Assessment.

What do you need to do to deploy your Solution?

To deploy your Solution, you must:

  1. Create an editable backup of your Solution

    Note: Creating an editable backup of your solution allows you to come back to your Solution and make changes, as published versions cannot be edited.

  2. Publish your Solution

    Note: Publishing your Solution prepares your Solution for deployment, making it available for end-users to access. A published Solution can longer be edited unless another version is created.

  3. Create a Project Team to distribute your deployed Solution to your end-users

    Note: Internal Project Teams are used to deploy Solution privately within the organisation where the user must have a Checkbox account to run an Assessment. External Project Teams are used to deploy Solutions publicly, where end users do not require Checkbox accounts to run an Assessment. For this course, we will be creating an Internal Project Team.

Follow the next set of instructions to deploy your Solution on Checkbox.


How to deploy your Solution

1. Create and Editable backup of your Solution
2. Publish Your Solution
3. Create an Internal Project Team to distribute your deployed Solution

1. Create an Editable backup of your Solution

  1. Click on “SOLUTIONS” on the top navigation bar (or click 'Finish Editing' in your studio to return to the solution homepage).


  2. Search and click into your Solution (e.g. Budgeting Tool) that you want to deploy (skip if you are already on the solution homepage). 


  3. From the Solutions Homepage, Go to “Versions & Publishing” tab on the left panel


  4. Click on the 'New Version' button in the right hand corner


  5. Provide new version details as required, and click 'Create Version' to create your editable backup


    Note: It is best practice to put "Back up of [Previous Version Name] before publishing BY [Initials] on [Date]" as the new version description, so you can quickly distinguish between versions.

2. Publish your Solution

  1. Following on from the previous step, in the Versions and Publishing Tab, click on the 3 dots under 'Actions' of the version you want to publish. For us, this should be V1


  2. Click “Publish this Version” to publish your Solution


  3. Click “Yes” to confirm that you want to publish your Solution


You will then be prompted to create a new Project Team. Follow the next set of instructions on how you can create the Internal Project Team.

3. Create an Internal Project Team to distribute your Solution

  1. Following on from the previous steps in above, click “Yes” to create a new Project Team


  2. Fill in the details for your new Project Team and click “Next”


  3. Add users to your Project Team and define their Team permissions (optional) and click “CONFIRM”

    Note: Project Team Administrators can change the permissions of other team members and add more users later.


  4. Your internal project team has now been created and ready for team members to submit new budget requests. Deployment is DONE!