Checkbox v1.8, Released on 14/11/2019


Please read below for a description of all our new features and updates.

Export Assessment Data from Widgets

While you could previously download the entire dataset of a project team, we've added the ability to download the select data of a list view widget as a CSV file - based on the column configuration and filters applied.

Check out the feature in our Wiki article here

Include User Uploaded Files within Email Notifications

You can now include variable references for uploaded files in a customised email notification, allowing you to email download links to any file uploaded during a Checkbox assessment.

Check out the feature in our Wiki article here.

Optional assessment links in Email Notifications 

Previously, the link that takes users to the Checkbox platform to view the transcript and report were included in email notifications by default. With this release, authors will need to specify whether this link appears in email notifications by modifying the email template to include the variable [[transcript_link]].

Check out the feature in our Wiki article here.

Upload File field - CSV Supported

CSV files can now be uploaded during assessments via the Upload File field along with the previous supported file types: .docx, .pdf, .xlsx, .jpg and .png.

It’s been an absolute pleasure to see and release these features to you and we hope you’ll love them as much as we do! As always, we’d love to hear your comments and feedback as you try them.

Best wishes from the Checkbox Team!