Why would you use a TRANSCRIPT block?
How to customise your TRANSCRIPT block
What do my end-users see?
How to Download Transcripts


Why would you use a TRANSCRIPT block?

By adding a TRANSCRIPT block to your App, it will allow your end-users to review and edit their previous answers. This can be used at any point within an App and displays a summary of all previous questions and responses. However, it is best practice to include a TRANSCRIPT block before any documents are generated or an Assessment is completed. 


How to customise your TRANSCRIPT block

  1. Create a custom message that will appear at the top of the Transcript page from the end user’s perspective. This is helpful in giving end-users more guidance.

    Note: The default message that will appear is “Please review your answers in the transcript below”.


  2. Customise the “Next Button Name” to better fit your user journey.

    Note: The default next button name is “SUBMIT” as Transcripts are typically used at the very end of the App. If you have designed your App to include a Transcript towards the middle of the App, it is recommended that this next button name is customised. For example, you may change the next button name from “SUBMIT” to “NEXT” so the end user can expect to progress in the App rather than submit to finish.


  3. [Optional] You can use the "Disable BACK button" toggle to prevent users from accessing any pages before this block. Turning this toggle ON will hide the "BACK" button on this page, as well as prevent the end-user from navigating back via the transcript. Any route backs returning to pages before this block will continue to work.


    Disabling the back button is useful in the following cases:

    1. You have an integration before this block, and you want to prevent users from accidentally triggering it twice
    2. You have email(s) before this block, and you want to prevent users from accidentally triggering it twice
    3. You're presenting some outcome to the end-user, and want to prevent them from returning to previous pages and changing their answers
    4. You've reached the end of the app, and would like to prevent the user from modifying their submissionblobid1.jpgAn example of the "Disable BACK button" toggle on a FORM block. This feature is also available on the List, Yes/No, Table, Transcript, Doc Review and End blocks.

What do my end-users see?

The customised message and Next Button Name is shown at the top of the Transcript page for the end users.

Note: In this example, the Next Button Name has been changed from “SUBMIT” to “NEXT”. See step 2 of How to customise your TRANSCRIPT block above to customise this.


As the end user scrolls down, they will be shown a summary of all previous questions and their respective responses. By clicking the pencil icon below page numbers on the left, they can edit their own previous answers.

Note: For public assessments, users cannot edit their answers after submitting their responses



How to Download Transcripts

  1. On the Transcript page in Preview or during an Assessment, click onto the ‘Download’ drop-down menu.

  2. Click onto the ‘Transcript (.PDF)’ option to download the transcript.


Learn how to attach Transcripts to automated emails through EMAIL blocks or workflow emails.



  • If URL and mailto links are entered in via Text Inputs, they will not be hyperlinked to texts in the downloaded transcript file.

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